This is a very special Christmas season as the Christmas spirit grows stronger with greater and greater open hearted love and caring with each passing day….
All images in this story courtesy of Pixabay, except as noted
This is our WEEKDAY edition of THE DAWNING LIGHT NEWS # 1250
Our FREE version of our “Daily Journal of Transformational Writing”
Written by Chinmayan…May this season bring you and yours many blessings, much happiness and many wonderful memories!
Our Christmas tree here on Still Mountain
This is a very special Christmas season as the Christmas spirit grows stronger and more powerful with every new day.
We are definitely feeling more and more of the Christmas spirit here on Still Mountain as the days flow by on a rising tide of more and more love.
We are living very simply here on purpose so that we have the time freedom to focus on the truly important things in life, and we treasure every moment of everyday as a precious opportunity.
One of the beautiful things about training ourselves to live in the present moment is that time slows down in our experience and each day is like a lifetime.
We are celebrating Christmas in our own special quiet way, as seek to use this special season for spiritual renewal and uplifting ourselves.
The very core of our effort is to focus on being grateful for all the good and wonderful things in our lives which are so easy to take for granted.
Practicing gratitude helps us see the true beauty and abundant blessings which surround and support us...
from Still Mountain itself, which is now the ideal place for us to live our best life of our spiritual practices and service to the world...
to a new level of appreciating, loving and caring for each other as we boldly step forward into the next chapter of our lives together...
be being able to see life from the point of view of Love, rather than the old disempowering paradigms and beliefs of our mundane ego centered minds.
All of this is much easier said than done.
I don’t want to give you the impression that we have it all together.
The truth is that everything in our lives is a work in progress that can be messy, confusing and overwhelming.
We have to work our way through every tiny step forward with a lot of focus, effort and process.
I still make mistakes and do or say stupid things that hurt us—and then have to deal with regrets as I focus on learning the lessons from the experience.
I still have days when I get confused, completely lose my way and go through crushing doubt and despair while under the influence of lower mundane mind.
This is what being seriously engaged and totally dedicated to one’s spiritual path is like. It is a daily journey of taking three steps forward, then two steps back…of tripping and falling and getting up over and over and not quitting but keeping on keeping on.
On the way to attaining the ultimate peace, bliss and consciousness of becoming enlightened, the wise aspirant knows that the inner work required is arduous and unrelenting.
If you want to live on the mountain top you must climb the mountain first.
CHRISTMAS IS A VERY SPECIAL TIME and An Opportunity for Spiritual Transformation
Christmas is a very special time because as the Christmas spirit grows more powerful and pervasive, it creates the perfect environment for significant spiritual growth if you can catch the wave of unconditional pure Love energy as it rises on earth among mankind, and let it tune you up to higher levels of being a force of LOVE wherever you go, whoever you are with.
This is a time when the power of your prayers and practices will be multiplied…
when the effects of every act of unselfish kindness is magnified thousands of times….
when it is possible to call forth significant positive shifts for yourself, your beloveds and all of humanity.
We are choosing to remain in retreat here on Still Mountain from now until New years so that we can tap into and make the best use of this rising tide of Christmas spirit.
It is a very real and potent force that is brought forth by the divine’s grace and all the love and unselfish actions and thoughts of billions of people across the planet.
This is a very powerful Christmas season.
The energy of the Christmas spirit is rising rapidly now…which means you will be feeling your heart opening and a lot of emotional churning, so be careful to ride the waves and not get overwhelmed and knocked down into depression or mental darkness.
This time is a beautiful opportunity for healing and restoration within yourself, your relationships and your family.
Be as loving as you can with everyone you meet.
During this time, Love is trying to heal and uplift your consciousness and the consciousness of all of humanity.
We are all connected, even though we all believe the illusion of being separate.
The beautiful thing is that the more we open our hearts to being loving, the more our Love will grow.
Love alone has the power to heal and unite us.
Even if we don’t remember it, we were born to Love.
We were sent here to learn how to Love and ultimately to become pure Love in this world, for Love is who we really are!
Let the Christmas spirit have its way with you.
As yourself every morning— “What would Love have me do today?”
Do as many acts of kindness of kindness for your beloved and for “strangers” as you can.
Let us pray for peace on earth, the ending of all wars everywhere and goodwill spreading all over the world among mankind.
Let us pray that all human beings realize that every one of us is precious and that it is our calling to be there and care for each other.
May Love become the beacon of every heart.
May Love become the work we are all engaged in night and day.
Let Love make a way for you every day from now on.
Dear Dawning Light Family…
It is our sincere desire that the Christmas spirit is lifting you to new heights of sweet loving consciousness every minute of the day and night, on every breath and beat of your heart during this very special Christmas season!
Ani and Chinmayan
Image created by Ani to celebrate the holiness of this special season!
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Authentic Meditation Training and Practical Spirituality
Stay Tuned for upcoming programs and trainings for our subscribers and supporters of “The Dawning Light”…
We are planning to launch our next “Meditation Training Intensive 101” course in the near future. When we set the dates and open this course for registration, we will announce the details in this newsletter first so that all of our “Dawning Light” friends will get first choice.
This about sums it up Chinmayan. Speaking of the spirit of Christmas, being thankful every day of our lives, not just on Christmas. It’s a tough message to convey in our society for the fact that negativity wreaks in this world. Too many lose hope, too many give up. How do we inspire those who refuse to believe in themselves, never mind our Creator? I thank our lord for the bright white light from Heaven above. Every single day since a child, (born an old soul) I knew there was more to life than just being born into my family. God blessed me with such empathy, that I can feel someone’s emotions from far away. My mission from the start, was to help people. The strangest thing, I’ve helped many but not myself. Putting myself on the back burner most of my life, to help or appease someone, I’m guilty but I had a rude awakening. It’s my time, this I know but why does it make me feel selfish to want to put myself first?! This had to be the toughest lesson I learned. I prayed, meditated, questioned why why why?…”You are here to spread the word through your kind heart but if you don’t take care of yourself, you will not be good for anyone!” This was the message I received from Spirit and am forever grateful to be chosen. Thank you Chinmayan, I loved all the Christmas stories you posted. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to read them all for I hosted Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! Blessings to you…