A major study found that all the exceptional men and women throughout history and modern times faced periods of adversity which brought out their greatness.
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This is the WEEKDAY edition of “THE DAWNING LIGHT” Newsletter # 1274
Our free daily journal of inspiring, uplifting and 100 % positive Love writing!
SPIRITUAL SOUP KITCHEN Section # 218 Stories lovingly written by Chinmayan about embracing and using everything happening in your daily life…your relationships, work, challenges, changes and rewards as vital aspects of your spiritual training and destined dharma path.
A major scientific study of the greatest contributors from history and modern times discovered that everyone of them faced overwhelming challenges in early life which forged them into the exceptional men and women that shaped our world.
I was greatly encouraged when I studied the results of this long scientific study conducted over many years by Harvard University that looked into the lives of people who had made or are making significant contributions to improving the world in some way for all of us.
“The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”
—-Albert Einstein
The goal of this study was to answer this question, “what were the factors in the childhoods and early life of these exceptional people that led to their becoming great contributors?”
Before this study, the scientists presumed the common factors would be stable families with the wealth and means to provide an ideal childhood followed by higher education would be found to be a reliable predictor of future greatness.
The study looked into the lives of great men and women of the past few hundred years where biographical information was available as well as those in our times in all fields.
They were shocked to discover that wealth and privilege, stable and supportive family life or even receiving the very best education were not primary factors at all.
In fact, the men and women who had those “advantages” rarely rose above the level of mediocre complacent lives, or did much to contribute to the world.
They lived “normal” lives in their fields but did not have the inner drive and passion to contribute that the great men and women who changed the world for the better did.
“It is a fact that if we actually did all that we are truly capable of …we would literally astound ourselves.”
—Thomas Edison
The scientists discovered that in every case those who became great had had to face difficult, often crushing, circumstances in their childhoods or early adulthood. They had been forced to deal with some experience or circumstance that required them to develop their own inner power, personal drive to succeed and mental and emotional toughness to survive and overcome the challenge.
Those who had an easy, secure and stable “ideal” childhood that was believed to be the necessary ingredient for greatness, rarely tapped their full potential… while those who had to face unremitting challenge did develop the inner strength, character, habits and drive to overcome every obstacle in their path through life.
This has proven to be true of men and women from all walks and fields of life…
From spiritual masters, such as Milarepa and many others, to scientists, writers, inventors, political leaders, reformers and everyone else who pushed the boundaries of human endeavor and civilization.
“The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active faith.”
—Franklin Delano Roosevelt
In fact, if you check the biographies of exceptional mean and women throughout all of history and modern times you will discover that everyone of them went through periods of severe adversity, trials and tribulations which required them to tap their full potential and develop their abilities to persevere through every obstacle over long periods of time to achieve their goals and did not allow adverse circumstances to crush them.
We all need to learn from how they used going through tough times to become the great men and women they had to become to do great things for the world.
You never know how strong or great you really are until you are in a situation that requires you to be strong and tap your greatness.
“Never pray for an easy life, “ as St Francis Told his disciples, “ but for a life that will drive you to God through adversity and challenge.”
“When the going gets tough, the tough get going!” As my grandmother advised, “Then you will find that the very thing you thought would crush you became the best thing that ever happened to you!”
Calligraphy by Chinmayan
Authentic Meditation Training and Practical Spirituality For Daily Life
Stay Tuned for upcoming programs and trainings for our subscribers and supporters of “The Dawning Light”…
We are planning to launch our next “Meditation Training Intensive 101” course in the near future. When we set the dates and open this course for registration, we will announce the details in this newsletter first so that all of our “Dawning Light” friends will get first choice.
Image Credit: Still Mountain Meditation Center
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Meanwhile, may this be one of the most wonderful and amazing days of your life!