Because of the painful wounds from our past, most of us suffer from not loving and accepting ourselves, and we need to create a deep, enduring and close Love relationship with ourselves…
Lovingly written and published by Chinmayan…
to encourage you to take up the challenging but delightful journey of developing a deep, enduring and ever growing love relationship with your self
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This is our WEEKEND EDITION of THE DAWNING LIGHT Magazine # 1317
Our PREMIUM version of our “Daily Journal of Transformational Writing”
SPIRITUAL SOUP KITCHEN Section # 230 Stories lovingly written by Chinmayan …to inspire you to develop your own ability to tap into the flow of divine inner guidance within your heart…and use the challenges and rewards of daily life as your destined dharma path…
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All Images In This Story Courtesy of Pixabay
Because of the painful wounds of our past, most of us suffer from not loving and accepting our selves which is the root cause of stress and strain in our relationships and our lives.
You don’t really love yourself until you see who you really are…And you can’t see who you really are until you learn to love yourself!
In all my years of teaching spiritual practices and principles to people from all walks of life…
And in the thousands of healing and counseling sessions I have done for
people seeking to find their way to a higher level of life…
And in my own personal journey to overcome the abuse and traumas which destroyed my self-esteem as a child and very nearly crushed my spirit by the time I became a young man…
I have learned that nearly every human being on the planet suffers to some greater or lesser degree from not loving, appreciating or respecting their own self.
When you begin to develop your personal meditation practice with the intention to become aware and present within yourself, you will gradually be able to tell yourself the truth about your inner condition and face the painful realities that were hidden.
Photo Courtesy of Pixabay
It is clear to me to that as long as we are not aware of what is really going on within our own selves, we will not be able to become free from the effects of our painful past.
It is also clear that once we are aware of it and see its damaging effects on our lives and relationships, we can certainly heal it if we are willing to do the inner work necessary.
Learning to love and accept yourself is absolutely necessary…and it is one of the hardest things you will ever do.
It is far easier to love someone else than it is to love yourself…but the amazing thing is—the more you are able to love yourself, the more you are able to love others and the more they will love you in a wonderful circle of self sustaining love.
In my experience, the number one mental, emotional and spiritual issue for everyone is not loving ourselves.
The thing is you may believe you do…
I did.
I didn’t uncover the truth until after I met Kalu Rinpoche, received the training and transmission of the powerful meditation practices he taught us and dedicated my self to doing them every day with other students at his Dharma Center.
After an intense period of months of daily practice, I began having a much clearer understanding of the inner workings of my own mind and emotions.
I realized that I did not even like myself…
Which was the direct cause of my negative behaviors such as getting angry or being insensitive or falling into deep depression which strained relationships and kept me in the unhappy zone.
When my partner would say to me “You are so handsome and lovable and precious!” I would respond angrily with “That is not true at all!” Because I sincerely believed I was ugly, unlovable and worthless. And then we would argue until she gave up in exasperation.
Then , Sangye, one of my older dharma brothers who I had great respect for, confronted me one day and told me something that set me on the path to learning to love, respect and appreciate myself…which saved me from many more years of suffering from the disease of self loathing.
“You really need to work on learning to love yourself.
You have a very low self esteem, but its bullshit.
You are way more amazing and special than you think.
Your life is full of crisis and drama because you don’t appreciate yourself.
You go around expecting to be mistreated which tends to make people treat you badly.”
I am forever grateful to my friend for that “wake up” talk.
CHANTING “OM MANI PAYDMEH HUNG”, THE MANTRA FOR DEVELOPING LOVE and COMPASSION opened the door to learning to Love and accept myself
Because of the growing awareness developing from my intense meditation practice, and the powerful effects of chanting the mantra for developing real ever growing Love and compassion “Om Mani Paydmeh Hung” every day, I realized that learning to love and accept myself is absolutely necessary to heal and become free from the wounds of the past.
Here is a short video about this powerful mantra, which has helped me so much in my life:
OM MANI PAYDMEH HUNG…a short video by Chinmayan with on screen lyrics
Image Courtesy of Pixabay
We all need to consciously choose to create a close and loving relationship with ourselves.
I have been working within myself through meditation, prayer and several other key practices to dissolve everything in the way of loving myself ever since.
Today, I live every moment in a state of truly loving and accepting myself more and more.
I live each day in love with everything and being loved and appreciated by others because I appreciate who I am.
Loving yourself is the doorway to ever closer love relationships with your beloveds and the divine.
The first step in the long journey to truly loving and believing in your self is to CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE TO DO THE INNER WORK and MAKE A TOTAL INTENTION TO ACHIEVE IT.
Stay Tuned to “The Dawning Light” as later we will do a deep dive into this subject, including instructions for simple practices that will help you open your heart and start falling in love with yourself!
Photo courtesy of Pixabay
Original Revelations and Calligraphy by Chinmayan
Besides all the goodies we are offering to you, your subscription directly helps us maintain our simple life on Still Mountain so we can keep the lights on, food on the table and stay focused on writing and publishing this labor of Love!
Amma leading group meditation….Chinmayan met and became a disciple of Amma’s in 1987, and has traveled and trained with her extensively as a close heart son. She gave Chinmayan his name (which means “Embodiment of Pure Consciousness”) and encouraged him to found Still Mountain…and to teach meditation, mantra and kirtan, and spirituality in a way that anyone can learn these practices and apply them to transform their lives.
Join with us in this very special course that will enthrall and inspire you while giving you absolutely everything you need to develop your own effective and soul satisfying personal meditation practice that you will love and want to do every day because of its blissful benefits….This course was created and is taught by Chinmayan, who was trained by some of the greatest meditation masters of our time…and who has taught authentic meditation and practical spiritual principles for forty years.
“When God is the center and focus of my life, everything else falls into it’s rightful place.”
Today is the very best day to start loving every moment and everything and everyone in your life! Don’t wait to feel it, express it and share it….
—Yeshe Gyamtso