“ONLY THIS MOMENT IS OURS TO LIVE, LOVE and SHARE” a poem about waking up and appreciating our life’s precious moments AND two inspiring poems by Mary Oliver- "Praying" and "Long Afternoon"
Plus “CELEBRATING MOUNTAIN MAGIC: Life In The Wilderness “ a short music video of the majesty and magic of the mountains where we live AND uplifting wisdom quotes by Chinmayan
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This is the WEEKDAY edition of THE DAWNING LIGHT Magazine Issue # 1322
Our FREE version of our “Daily Journal of Transformational Writing”
THE JOURNEY Of The Heart Section # 725…Transformational Poetry For The Spiritual Soul Lovingly written, polished and published by Chinmayan to inspire you to open your heart, mind and spirit to greater Love and joy…
You can Sign up here FOR FREE to join hundreds of folks who receive this newsletter every morning to help jump start their day with a loving and grateful attitude…
“CELEBRATING MOUNTAIN MAGIC: Life In The Wilderness” a short music video of the backroads, mountains, canyons and rivers in the wilderness areas all around Still Mountain…which is among the most beautiful and majestic places to live on this planet where we are surrounded by nature and millions of acres of primeval forests….
Images in this issue courtesy of Pixabay except as noted
ONLY THIS PRESENT MOMENT IS OURS TO LIVE, LOVE and SHARE IN . Every one of us is on the same train on this journey from birth to that moment when we will have to leave these bodies that we love so much and think of as being “me," behind as empty shells when our spirit, the one we really are, must move on. My teachers always stressed that meditating on and facing our own mortality is an essential part of our spiritual path because it motivates us to see our lives as precious limited time opportunities that the wise consciously choose to use Only for the truly important things. Though we all know that whatever is born must someday die, we do not think it will happen to us, so we live as if we have all the time in the world and will live forever. Now that I am an elder, this truth is more and more clear to me – an idea that I find tremendously empowering to work with in my own daily meditation practice. I have learned that the only real control of TIME that we have is to consciously live IN THE PRESENT MOMENT. When we train ourselves to always BE HERE NOW, time slows down and each day is like a lifetime in itself. Besides, when we look closely, we see that only the present moment exists… the past and future are just thoughts without substance. Everything, both the good and the bad, Is always happening in the present moment-- Only this present moment is ours to live, Love and share in before it too fades away. November 19, 2023 Still Mountain Retreat
By Mary Oliver
If you loved this issue of the free version of “The Dawning Light” we invite you to support us on our mission to help save the world by subscribing and joining our amazing community of loving people and kindred spirits ….
Stay Tuned for upcoming programs and trainings for our subscribers and supporters of “The Dawning Light”…including our beloved “Sunday Morning Satsang and Meditation Program” which will be available weekly both in person and online.
We are planning to launch our next “Meditation Training Intensive 101” course in the near future. When we set the dates and open this course for registration, we will announce the details in this newsletter first so that all of our “Dawning Light” friends will get first choice.
“Living your daily life without having your own personal meditation and mantra practice is like being stuck in an old time black and white movie that does not have a happy ending…There is a vast difference in the quality of your life that will dawn with just a few minutes of meditation…The simple practices I teach in our courses and workshops give you the ability to come into the present moment, opens your eyes and heart to beauty and love and steadily lifts your consciousness to higher levels of clarity and bliss.”