QUAD SHOTS OF SPIRITUAL ESPRESSO…A New Story about Celebrating Our Enduring Love; A new Love Poem, 2 new Revelations Wisdom Quotes and A Heart Melting New Love Song!
Written by Chinmayan in celebration of our special shared birthdays
I would love to hear your response to this story in the comments!
This is the WEEKDAY edition of THE DAWNING LIGHT # 1205…
Our FREE version of our “Daily Journal of Transformational Writing”
JOURNEY Of The HEART Section # 680 …Transformational Poetry and Love Songs by Chinmayan to help you open your heart to greater Love and shine your Light onto this world which needs it now more than ever
All images in this story courtesy of Pixabay except as noted.
Celebrating our Birthdays And Our Enduring Pure Love Relationship
This week is a very special time for us because this is when we celebrate our November birthdays, which are just six days apart...
I was born in Alabama, in the deep South, in 1950...while Ani came into this world in the U.K. in 1962.
This will be my 74th year of this incarnation and the 61st for my dear friend and co-creator.
We celebrate our birthdays simply, by declaring these six days as a special time to honor each other’s birth and our lives that we share together.
We prefer to celebrate in our own quiet way—not with big parties and piles of presents...but with taking time away from our daily routine to go for long walks in our favorite places, making special meals, getting a few carefully selected gifts that fulfill an actual need that helps us move forward towards our dreams and a better, greater life.
We take time to sit together by the crackling fire in our big wood stove and meditate side by side or to watch a good uplifting movie (hard to find these days…if you have seen one you would recommend, please tell us about it in the comments!) or simply talking together heart to heart or sharing chores that make us feel good, such as washing dishes and cleaning up the kitchen.
Our greatest gift for each other is our ever growing close love relationship
Our greatest gift for each other is our close love relationship that we have been steadily working on for the past 15 years.
It is constantly growing and evolving as we live and work together because we are both sincerely pursuing our individual spiritual paths.
Our relationship requires that we are both doing the hard inner work of facing and healing our “shit.”
As Rumi says “Real love brings up everything unlike itself to be healed.”
We now live in a state of peaceful harmonious alignment that we recognize as absolutely essential to maintain, but it has taken us years of daily working on our relationship to get here.
We have grown through major trails and challenges and times of severe stress and strain of all kinds, as well as intense conflicts with each other—any one of which would have destroyed most relationships.
We know that we were brought together to help each other heal and evolve.
We know we can count on each other to be here with real ever deeper love and caring.
Our bond has been forged in the crucible of daily life, and we know neither one of us will abandon our relationship because it has been tested in the gauntlet of tough times that have only made us closer and stronger.
We know that “The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our life…” as Kalu Rinpoche says, so we put in the effort and work needed to constantly improve our relationship.
We also know that for those who are sincerely dedicated to pursuing their spiritual path the Divine brings people together with the best persons in close dynamic Love relationships that have the potential for the maximum healing and spiritual growth.
That is certainly true for us.
Real Love is the power that runs the entire universe, and we were all born and sent here to earth because it is the perfect environment for learning how to Love, how to open our hearts and tap into the ocean of Love that flows through all of us as we evolve.
Fortunately, our true nature is pure unconditional LOVE, but we need to be expressing it in our relationships to awaken to who and what we really are.
I am grateful every day for our relationship which demands the very best of both of us, as we learn the lessons of the heart and keep on growing.
Even when we are deep into an uncomfortable process as “Love brings up everything unlike itself to be healed”, I know we will work it through and that we will always be moving onwards and upwards together.
That is an unbelievably precious thing to know that we will keep on keeping on and will not abandon each other or our relationship…no matter what!
TWO HEARTS BECOMING ONE FOR LIFE We come together as the song Of the morning begins to sing In our hearts when we see each other After a long night apart, our eyes alight with Gratitude for the great Love blossoming Between us that has been growing across All the years of our tumultuous relationship Of trial and challenge that is now becoming A garden of divine blessing and delight. We have survived many terrible storms Which would have utterly destroyed any Ordinary relationship many times over-- For even in our darkest hours, the bond we share And the calling of our aching hearts has always Brought us back together no matter how separated We felt or how fierce or scary those storms were. I know we are sharing and living an ever expanding great pure Love so rarely achieved Between two souls embodied here in This pain filled but beautiful world. I rejoice, I appreciate, and I choose To be wise and savor every moment together, And every bit of the sweet Love now flowing so Gently and sweetly between us of our two hearts Are continuously merging to become one for life. April 26, 2024 Still Mountain Retreat
“Every one and every thing
in this dusty world desires
and deserves to be loved and
wants nothing more than to live
their life in Love, with Love,
Loving and being loved…
Let’s make today
and every day
awesome for all of us
by lighting it up with Love!”
—Yeshe Gyamtso
Original “Revelations” Poems, Calligraphy and Art by Chinmayan
This song has powerful and profound poetic lyrics, heart melting music and singing that take you to a higher, clearer, more radiant and confident space that you will love! I have it on repeat here after recently discovering this sweet Love song that goes perfectly with today’s story and poetry!
Complete lyrics for easy sing along!
LOVE IS THE ONLY THING by Lost Frequencies with complete on screen lyrics!
This time…November 13th through 19th is very special to us because it is the week of our shared birthdays…my 74th…and Ani’s 61st…
I would love to be able to buy some simple gifts and flowers for Ani when we have our joint BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION on November 19th, but we have no extra money at all to make this happen…I would love to take her out for a special dinner at “The Blue Wing Cafe”, our favorite restaurant, but we don’t have the funds.
I am asking that you consider SUBSCRIBING today or upgrading your free subscription to becoming a paid “Inner Circle” subscriber to “The Dawning Light” today as a birthday gift to us in a total win win for you and us!
We live and do all our service here on Still Mountain on a micro super frugal budget…that covers our basic living and operating expenses, with nothing left over for any gifts or special meals ….and even one yearly subscription of $50 (or a donation of any amount to our non profit “Still Mountain Meditation Center) would give us enough to help us celebrate this auspicious week!
Here are the links to our ultra safe donation site… We are asking for donations of any size, even a few dollars makes a massive difference!
DONATION PORTAL to Still Mountain Mediation Center
A warm welcome to all of you, whether you are a new subscriber, have stumbled upon us by accident, been referred to us by a friend or are one of our wonderful community of regular readers…
Sign up to join hundreds of folks who receive this newsletter every morning to help jump start their day with a loving and grateful attitude…
Authentic Meditation Training and Practical Spirituality
Stay Tuned for upcoming programs and trainings for our subscribers and supporters of “The Dawning Light”…
We are planning to launch our next “Meditation Training Intensive 101” course in the near future. When we set the dates and open this course for registration, we will announce the details in this newsletter first so that all of our “Dawning Light” friends will get first choice.
Love the song!!!