All of us need the love, positive reinforcement, encouragement and recognition of who we are and our good qualities that only being sincerely appreciated gives us.
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This is the WEEKEND edition of THE DAWNING LIGHT # 1275
Our Premium version of our “Daily Journal of Transformational Writing”
SPIRITUAL SOUP KITCHEN Section # 219 Lovingly written by Chinmayan….to encourage you to tap and use the awesome power of sincere loving appreciation of everyone in your life…appreciation is the free expression of the Love that flows from your wide open heart!
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It is an unfortunate fact of ordinary life that most of us are quick to criticize and find fault and freely express our dim view of others verbally in hurtful ways…. But are slow to complement or express appreciation of anyone in a meaningful way.
I learned this principle the hard way because I was the brunt of other children’s critical word bombs growing up and know very well how hurtful they can be.
Since then, I have observed this behavior wherever I have gone on this journey of life.
This inspired me to seek a much better way, which uplifts, nurtures and empowers people through the simple act of expressing appreciation in meaningful ways with everyone in life, from complete strangers to our closest heart beloveds.
This is such an important subject of something that is sorely needed right now in this world that we all share, that I will be writing about this simple, but immensely powerful practice of expressing appreciation in depth in future issues.
But, for today, I want to sketch it out in broad strokes and bring these ideas to your attention.
The Oxford Dictionary defines Appreciation as “the pleasure that you have when you recognize and enjoy the good qualities of somebody or something.”
Here are some other definitions that I find to be enlightening—
“The act of recognizing or understanding that something or someone is valuable or Important.” (Cambridge Dictionary)
“A feeling or expression of admiration, approval or gratitude, respect, esteem or regard.” (Merriam-Webster-Dictionary)
Many People Feel Unappreciated, Unvalued and Unrecognized
We all need to feel loved, recognized and appreciated. It is essential to our well being and growth.
Because I know this from my own experience, long ago I consciously decided to develop the habit of honestly and sincerely expressing appreciation for others wherever I go and whatever situation I am in.
Instead of adding to the negative energy running rampant in the world, I generate loving, positive vibrations and heart connections with everyone I meet on the freeway of daily life…from clerks behind the counter at the grocery store, bank or gas station to my beloved companion, my children and close inner circle.
Actively expressing appreciation turns you into a force of Love, Light and goodness wherever you go.
It is an easy new habit to develop because as you actively and earnestly express appreciation in meaningful ways to others, you will see them brighten up and start smiling and radiating at a higher frequency….and you will also feel an immediate and lasting uplift.
Sincere appreciation always feels good to the one being appreciated and the one expressing appreciation.
It is so simple, yet so powerful.
It is so easy and natural.
It always produces positive results!
Since taking up this practice of proactively expressing appreciation in sincere and meaningful ways, I have seen it work its miraculous magic thousands of times as someone who was in a funk at their job of serving customers from behind a counter and being treated as a thing to be used, rather than a person to be loved and treasured were pleasantly shocked to hear me say “I really appreciate you taking such good care of me today. I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day!”
I have watched the people receiving this unexpected appreciation, suddenly stand up straight, light up their face with a bright smile, look me in the eye and say back to me—“Thank you so much! That’s the nicest thing I have heard in a long time!”
As a result, the folks I deal with regularly here in our small town, brighten up when they see me coming and treat me as their dear friend.
Expressing sincere appreciation unleashes the power of positive self-esteem and love into the world. It is highly contagious, and the masters say that “one sincere expression of loving appreciation will dissolve the negative effects of thousands of hurtful and critical words and actions in the world.”
Now that we have planted this seed of the principle and practice of expressing appreciation, I invite you to try it out in your own life.
You will be amazed and delighted with the results.
Stay tuned, dear reader, for soon I will be writing in depth about how to practice appreciation in real practical ways that you can immediately use to do your part to bringing more love into the world through choosing to appreciate the good in others!
“Expressing sincere and heartfelt appreciation for another person is one of the easiest and surest ways of making a lasting and loving difference in someone’s life.
I know of several people who were so depressed from very low self esteem who were saved from suicide by a stranger’s simple smile and words of appreciation.
Many people suffer from being miserably treated so much that life seems meaningless and bleak…your loving comments and attention has tremendous inspirational and enlivening power— like the sun coming out on a dark and stormy day!”
—Yeshe Gyamtso-
Original Revelation and Calligraphy by Chinmayan
May this be one of the most wonderful and amazing days of your life!
A significant other would be a great advantage
How true this is Chinmayan! I’ve always showed appreciation for everything in life, it comes so easy for me. I’ve witnessed too many times in my 71 years, the greed and jealousy that takes over their heart and soul. If I can make sense to one person a day, it’s an accomplishment. We all need a rude awakening at some point in our lives. Let us pray that more and more see the wonders of the light and live a life in peace and harmony.