“THIS PRECIOUS LIFE IS MINE TO LIVE and USE FOR MY HIGHEST GOOD”—a poem about making the most of this golden opportunity before my time runs out
PLUS enlightening wisdom quotes by Yogananda, Chinmayan and Yeshe Gyamtso AND a simple, sweet and soulful kirtan by Yogananda that you can sing that will open your heart and give bliss to your soul!
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If you enjoy this issue, click in on the little heart to show me you liked it—-it would really make my day! And if you really want to ring my bell, leave a comment and click on the swirling arrows to “Restack” this issue!
This is the WEEKDAY edition of THE DAWNING LIGHT Magazine # 1321
The FREE Version of our Daily Journal of Uplifting Writing
JOURNEY Of The HEART Section # 724 Poetry and Love Songs written by Chinmayan to encourage you to keep on doing the inner work of spiritual growth and learning to live in the sanctuary of this present moment
You can Sign up here FOR FREE to join hundreds of folks who receive this newsletter every morning to help jump start their day with a loving and grateful attitude…
All images in this issue courtesy of Pixabay, except as noted.
THIS PRECIOUS LIFE IS MINE TO LIVE—- AND I WILL NOT WASTE EVEN A MOMENT BEFORE I AM CALLED TO LEAVE THIS WORLD BEHIND “It is later than you think So do not put off until tomorrow The important things you can Do or say or share lovingly today” —Yeshe Gyamtso I must always remember That this beautiful body of Such vitality in which I now live, Move, act and make Love with Will someday be laying on a Slab at the undertakers being Prepared for the fire of cremation After I have been called away When my time here will be over And I must return to the spirit world For a while—whether I want to or not, Whether I am ready or not, Whether my work here is done or not, For this is a call I cannot ignore, When any pleas to be allowed to Stay any longer will not be heard— I remind myself everyday of the Teaching I carry called the “Four Ends”— “The end of all birth is death… The end of all building is ruin… The end of all accumulation is dispersion… The end of all meeting is parting…” While I am still here in the midst Of all the vibrant beauty of this world, I remind myself again and again To remember that time is shorter Than I want it to be or like to believe And that NOW IS THE TIME to Love, serve and awaken and do The work I was sent here to do Without hesitation, procrastination or Delay for it is certainly true that no one Really knows when that call to go will Come, and if I am wise, I will be ready today! July 8, 2021 Still Mountain Retreat
A SPECIAL SONG FOR YOU from Chinmayan’s curated inspirational playlists
“Door Of My Heart” Performed by Krishnabai, Bholenath and Brahmadev
This song and this very beautiful music video is one of the most heart touching and soul inspiring devotional songs written by Yogananda. This version is one of the very best, most God calling that is intended for your own personal devotional practice.
It is sung with total devotion by Krishnabai, with back up instruments and voicals by Bholenath and Brahmadev….here are some of the lyrics…
“Door of my heart/Open wide I keep for thee—/ Night and day, Night and day/I look for Thee night and day/Will You come? Will You come?/Will my days fly away/Without seeing you my Lord?”
With a beautiful music meditatiin video that you will love!
“DOOR OF MY HEART” a beautiful kirtan written by YOGANANDA and sung by Krishnabai
“Everything else can wait, but our search for God cannot wait!”
Sign in the meditation garden of Self Realization Fellowship, Founded by Yogananda in 1920
“Scattering the ashes of our beloved in the river of life…this is what happens when time runs out for every one of us when we are called to leave our bodies, our lives and all we love behind. All the masters teach us to remember this will happen to us too…and to use our precious time for the important things that we were sent here to learn, do and share.” —Yeshe Gyamtso
Original Revelation and Calligraphy by Chinmayan
If you loved this issue of the free version of “The Dawning Light” we invite you to support us on our mission to help save the world by subscribing and joining our amazing community of loving people and kindred spirits ….
No matter how you subscribe, I thank you for reading and being here with us!
“We are like beautiful lotus flowers growing into full blossoming out of the mud of our life and experiences in this world”
—Yeshe Gyamtso
Authentic Meditation Training and Practical Spirituality For Daily Life
Stay Tuned for upcoming programs and trainings for our subscribers and supporters of “The Dawning Light”…including our beloved “Sunday Morning Satsang and Meditation Program” which will be available weekly both in person and online.
We are planning to launch our next “Meditation Training Intensive 101” course in the near future. When we set the dates and open this course for registration, we will announce the details in this newsletter first so that all of our “Dawning Light” friends will get first choice.
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Chinmayan teaching our “Meditation Training Intensive 101” course that has helped thousands of people transform and empower their lives through simple, powerful and easy to use spiritual practices that you will love…
Thank you Chinmayan, and what a beautiful song. 🙏❤️