With even just 5 minutes of meditation practice a day, the amazing benefits and results will start to flow into your life!
Photo Credit: Chinmayan
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Lovingly Written by Chinmayan,
Founder and spiritual director, Inner Resource Institute and
Still Mountain Dharma Center
Image courtesy of Pixabay
Most people have no idea how much developing your own personal satisfying and effective authentic meditation practice can make a huge, lasting and ever growing difference in every area of your life…
It is amazing how much establishing your own personal daily meditation practice will bring so many benefits, positive changes and transformation into your life even with just 5 minutes practice per day!
One of the greatest shifts that has come from doing my own daily meditation practice that I am most grateful for are the positive changes in my attitudes and points of view. I no longer relate to life from a fearful, painful and harried space but from a serene, peaceful and loving place that gets better and more profound by the day.
Meditation has given me the ability to watch and make friends with my own mind.
It is a fact that you cannot change or control anything that you are not conscious or aware of.
Meditation is a vital tool for being with your own self, for coming inside your own inner world.
Meditation is like turning on all the lights inside yourself, lights that reveal the workings of our minds, how thoughts and emotions affect us and so much more.
Photo Credit: Chinmayan
If you ever want to achieve lasting happiness, it is absolutely necessary to develop the ability to control and direct your own mind in positive ways.
The classic image for the beginning meditation practitioner is that you are setting out to find and tame your own “wild horse mind.”
Until now, your mind has been doing its thing without your being aware of or having any control over it…which actually is the root cause of much of your and everyone else’s suffering.
But once you set out on the journey of daily meditation practice, as long as you practice with intention and perseverance, you will gradually tame your wild horse mind until the day comes when you can ride it anywhere you want.
This will open up unlimited vistas and opportunities you had no idea even existed before.
Image Credit: Pixabay
Meditation will gradually completely transform your life on every level for the better…and I can tell you from personal experience that once the wild horse is tamed, your awareness, love and consciousness will grow so profoundly that you will then have a life of meaning, purpose and power beyond your wildest dreams.
You will no longer be at the mercy of worry and fear, anger, jealousy, hatred or any of the other negative emotional poisons that most people struggle with and suffer from.
Meditation will make it possible for you to become a powerful force of love and light wherever you go.
Things that once upset you and caused you so much stress and strain become minor issues that you can easily and effectively deal with.
You will be able to see solutions to situations where you could only see overwhelming problems before.
Meditation will gradually bring out your true self, the higher Self which is ever attuned to and flowing with the divine.
And so much more.
Image Credit: Still Mountain Meditation Center
There are now tens of thousands of scientific studies which document the amazing results and benefits of daily meditation practice. If you doubt my word, just google it and you’ll get 64,000 pages of results!
The greatest thing you can ever do for yourself and those you care about, is to learn an authentic meditation practice from one who has extensive experience, who received their training, principles and meditation practice from a lineage of meditation masters and who will be there for you every step of the way as you develop your own personal daily practice.
As long as your teacher has the training and has done the practices long enough to have gone through the stages of transformation and deeper understanding themselves, then you can expect to have all the shifts and benefits I have been describing.
Once you do establish your own practice, you will love it…it will become very important to you and you will think of your life in terms of before and after…and will be grateful for all the positive changes happening to you in your self and your life from doing even 5 minutes of basic meditation daily.
Once you taste the effects for yourself, resulting from your own efforts in a reliable on going stream of real lasting transformation, you, like me and the many thousands of students I have seen launch their practice, will love your practice and enthusiastically continue, whenever you can…and it will continue getting better and more profound as you do!
Image courtesy of Pixabay
Meditation is essential to attaining peace of mind and developing a deep ongoing love relationship with yourself—and to receive the many many scientifically proven benefits that we all need as much as we need air to breathe and food to sustain us.
I am teaching the most powerful, effective and blissful Authentic Meditation practices that I learned directly from my own teachers Kalu Rinpoche, the 16th Karmapa, Amma and other highly realized meditation masters when we launch our new Course, “FOUNDATIONS OF THE SPIRITUAL PATH” of Sunday, September 15, 2024.
We are offering registration for either in person or digital attendance…. so that anyone anywhere can learn these life transforming practices.
I have more than fifty years of in depth training, experience and my own personal practice which has given me a unique ability to teach everything you need to launch and develop your own practice in a way that will inspire and motivate you.
There is more information about this life changing course at the end of this story….or click on this button for our Information and Registration packet….
Image courtesy of Pixabay
I believe every human being over 6 years old needs and would greatly benefit from learning how to meditate…and I am on a mission to turn as many people as I possibly can to these principles and practices that are 100% safe, blissful and empowering.
Original Revelation and Calligraphy by Chinmayan
Chinmayan teaching our “FOUNDATIONS OF THE SPIRITUAL PATH” Course
After you read or listen to my story today…hopefully I have inspired you with a burning desire to learn how to meditate and launch your own soul satisfying daily spiritual practice and an understanding of how important it is.
If so, you may be delighted to hear that it is one of SEVEN KEY SPIRITUAL TOOLS that I teach in my new series of Online or In Person Workshops I call: “FOUNDATIONS Of The SPIRITUAL PATH. Building A Life Changing, Soul Satisfying Spiritual Practice You Will Love….”
An ongoing series of 10 consecutive Workshops about “How to Tap Into Your Own INNER RESOURCES and Transform Your Life” through simple authentic spiritual principles and practices that empower you to use all your relationships and the challenges and blessings of daily life as vital opportunities for spiritual training…
YOU ARE INVITED TO JOIN US either online (Via Zoom)…
or in person at our Center at 1500 HEARST ROAD, WILLITS, CALIFORNIA located in a beautiful mountain valley in rural Northern California
Beginning on Sunday, September 15, 2024 through November 17, 2024
Presented every Sunday morning at 10:30 am to Noon PDT….
After 60 years of training and practice with some of the greatest spiritual masters of our time, I am able to teach these key tools in a simple, easy to understand way that you can use to dramatically uplevel your life.
It has taken me an entire lifetime of training and daily practice, using these keys, which were my lifesavers during intense challenges, heartbreak and hard times…to be able to now share them with you in my Workshops.
These teachings are life changing and I sincerely believe every human being on earth needs to learn to meditate and how to use these simple but essential spiritual tools!
I can tell you from my own experience that my life would have been a wasteland with an early and painful end if I had not received these teachings from my first teacher, KALU RINPOCHE, a highly realized Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Master back in 1972.
And now I am passing on these amazingly powerful tools to you in these WORKSHOPS.
If you enroll, it will turn out to be one of the best decisions you have ever made!
DM me below for more INFORMATION and REGISTRATION:
This is the WEEKEND edition of THE DAWNING LIGHT # 1138
Our PREMIUM version of our “Daily Journal of Transformational Writing”
MEDITATION TRAINING INTENSIVE # 13 Stories by Chinmayan about the amazing results and benefits from developing your own personal soul satisfying and life transforming authentic meditation practice
Sign up to join hundreds of folks who receive this newsletter every morning to help jump start their day with a loving and grateful attitude…
“Your greatest service to humanity is to attain your own Self Realization!” Ramana Maharshi
Trying to understand what ‘meditation’ actually is. Thinking of God? Wondering how to be a better human? Doing more for others? Seeking religious knowledge and faith ? I certainly require help and guidance. Thank you in advance for opening my mind.
Tlazo Camatli 🙏🏽 Thank you for your endless efforts in encouraging as many as you can out there to start or keep meditation daily practice for a better life & better world for all! May Creator continue to guide & bless you & yours always! 🙂↕️