It's a question I struggle with... do I really know my divine purpose? How can I be sure I'm doing the work I was sent here to do?

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30Author

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This is really one of the most important questions that every one of us should be asking, but few even think about.

That you are even asking this question indicates that you have been on the spiritual path for many lifetimes before this one. You already have already become aware of our fundamental purpose which is to consciously pursue developing ourselves spiritually.

The masters say that we take incarnation as human beings on earth because this world is the idea environment for spiritual development.

Life is not so overwhemingly hard that all we can focus on is survival , but at the same time we all must face suffering, loss, pain and fear enough to really motivate us to work to overcome the sources of our suffering.

This world is designed to be the perfect spiritual training university with just the right amount of suffering to motivate us, with realized teachers who can gives us the principles and practices we need to overcome it, and the support of other students who are working on the process.


In a nutshell, we are sent here to learn three things---how to Love, serve and awaken.


When we die and leave here and go through the tunnel of light, we all get a "life review" in the presence of the Divine who asks .... "how much did you love and care? who did you serve? what did you learn about Love and loving?

The first part of our purpose is that we are sent here to learn how to Love, to develop the higher levels of Love until we develop pure unconditional compassionate LOVE for everyone without favorites or adversaries. this is because only Love can liberate us from our ignorance and sources

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of suffering.

The second part is that we develop pure Love through being of service, through serving others selflessly, serving to really be of help without any self centered motive.

We are all born with a divine mission and given all the abilities to fulfill our mission.

One of the ways to discover our mission is to look for your natural talents and abilities, especially the ones you are passionate about, that you most love doing, that you are naturally very good at.

What are the things you love doing that you always love and could give your full heart and soul to everyday?

What are the things you can do that have made a difference in other people's lives? the abilities that you have which can serve others? that make your heart sing when you are doing them?

Then the third essential part of the path is to Awaken...which means to do the inner work to become ever more present, mindful, aware, conscious and loving through prayer and meditation...

and to be able to hear your own inner guidance which is telling you the answer to every question, showing you what you need to be doing and teaching you everything you need to know 24/7 inside yourself.

All human beings have this inner guidance being broadcast to them though our unbreakable inner connection with the Divine...every minute of our lives from birth until we die and then onwards in our next lives.

Most call it "intuition" or "gut feeling"and the wise person learns to check in and rely on it for decisions or life changes. In the bible its called "the still small voice within".

You can tap into your guidance by learning to be still and focused within through meditation and then asking for help in developing your ability to clearly hear it.

The truth is that with this question, you already know the answer. You've known for a long time already.

By tapping into your inner guidance, the knowing that you already have will be confirmed and expanded...and as you embrace this truth, you will be told and shown everything you need to know and see to fulfill your divine purpose.

To sum it all up....

Here are the essential three elements for all of us on the spiritual path....




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That is the most important question for our lives!

I asked the same question of myself, my teaches and the Divine for many years…

I will respond soon with what I have learned in answer to this question!

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