Still searching for my meaning. I hope I find it before I run out of time.

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That you care enough about the purpose of your life to keep searching for it is a wonderful thing!

Fortunately, the answer to your heart’s most important question is inside you already…you simply have not heard or seen it yet! But it IS being whispered to you night and day by the sweet “still small voice” of your inner guide. The challenge, of course, is to develop your ability to hear it!

This is like learning to see your eye with your eyes…The answer, and all the answers to all the questions on your heart, are so close that you simply haven’t seen them yet.

But you certainly can!

And God wants you to see and hear it, for when you do, it empowers and enhances and clarifies every aspect of our lives…

How to get the answers you really want and need?

Pray to the divine to help you through leading and quiding you, through teaching you, through giving you the ability to tap into the endless stream of your own inner quidance.

I pray for everything, especially for the big important things but also for even the smallest needs I have. The more I focus in sincerely in prayer, the closer to God I come and the deeper our relationship becomes.

Make prayer the priority every day as something extremely important to you and you will definitely get the help you need…

God is delighted when one of his children care enough to start calling on him for help! God wants to help and be much closer to us , but it is up to us to ask…and keep on asking.

My teachers say “You do not have these important things because you haven’t asked for them and kept on asking until God responds in his timing and his way. You have not because you ask not!”

I am here to help you as much as I can!

I suggest that when we reopen Still Mountain for programs, let me invite you to join in with us as I teach these principles and practices with a group in a live format that is much more direct than this newsletter. Also, stay here with me and read the daily issues and go into the archive of stories for ones that can help you on your quest…

Thanks for being part of this amazingly wonderful Dawning light family!

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