Truly you are an inspiration, so wise that I am feeling encouraged to become less worried about my self and being grateful for what I have -

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Dear one…

Thank you from my heart for that sweet comment!

I did write you a long reply, but it disappeared before I could get it posted here for you!

But, fortunately, I had saved it elsewhere and will publish it in this mornings Dawning Light…Issue # 841, Spiritual Soup Kitchen Section # 142….

I am very glad to hear that you are on the path to a much sweeter and greater life!

Yayyyyyy Judith!

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Old and alone is the saddest state but your thoughts are a momentary relief.Thank you.

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Dear one!

I wrote you a long response to your comment that disappeared when i tried to post it.

Fortunately i had saved it, and will publish it for you in tomorrow’s DAWNING LIGHT….-issue # 838, Spiritual Soup Kitchen # 141 for March 19, 2024….

I would love it if you could read it and respond!

You can always write me privately at innereresourceinstitute@gmail.com!

I affirm with you that “THE BEST IS YET AHEAD!!!!”



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My dear…

It is our thoughts we choose to listen to which determine everything, whether we are happy or sad, full of faith and hope or living in depression and despair.

When I learned this truth, i realized that if i could be aware of and control and direct my thoughts to being positive, hopeful and faithful, I would always be able to change from being depressed to being in a state of grateful peace of mind.

I know it sounds impossible but i assure you that it is absolutely true.

I stopped being a victim of my own mind.

I tore down the prison walls of my own dark thoughts.

And i worked and still work very hard every minute or every day to accept only the thoughts that make me feel good…and avoid the ones that make me feel bad…

in the same way that I will not stick my hand into a fire because it hurts too much, i will not allow my mind to dwell on the terrible things that have happened in the past, or on the wonderful things and people i have lost or anything else that will make me sad…

I suffered from deep depression for too many years, and now that I know this secret….that it is my own thoughts that determine how i feel, how i see life, and what I experience…I refuse to keep drinking that poison…for i know that the quality of my life and happiness totally depends on this one thing—controlling and directing my mind to being positive, grateful, inspired and God devoted.

One of my teachers says…”Mind is like water…it will always flow to the lowest possible place if you allow it to do so…But mind is also so powerful that we can direct and ride it to the highest levels of love and consciousness if we are willing to be constantly vigilant and take charge.”

All the good things in my life now have come through knowing this secret.

Every thought you are having is creative and has an effect of your perceptions and emotions…

But here is how it works…those thoughts you choose to dwell on and repeat to your self grow stronger and stronger with every repetion.

by constantly telling yourself “I am alone and old and my life is sad and hopeless” you actually make it come true…and then as you repeat that thought, you will feel worse and worse and worse until it completely takes over your life!

I am not kidding!

I have watched many friends turn their lives into hell by believing and accepting and constantly repeating dark and despairing thoughts to themselves…and then dying horrible deaths.

Believe me. You have the power to make your life heaven or hell.

The wise person knows and uses this secret to choose only positive, grateful and loving thoughts which constantly improve the quality of their lives.

My life would be worthless. And i would not be able to help anyone or have the amazing relationships i now have if i was not practicing this secret with everything i have got within me that is good and uplifting.

Yes, it is very hard to do sometimes when the challenges of life get tough and when hard things happen, but i know very well if i don’t apply this secret I will suffer terribly…

And i have no interest in suffering, especially now that I understand that almost all suffering is SELF INFLICTED BY OUR OWN MINDS.

You never have to feel old and alone and a victim of your circumstances if you will take this secret and use it!

All the good things that your heart longs for can be attained through using this secret.


If you don’t like the way your life is, CHANGE YOUR THOUGHTS AND BELIEFS ABOUT IT!

Remember the Wayne Dwyer quote at the bottom of every one of these issues of “The Dawning Light”?

“When you change the way you think about things, the things you think about change!”

—Wayne Dwyer

I also recommend being very careful what you give your attention to!

Read inspiring and uplifting books or watch feel good movies or listen to uplifting music that actually help you see how amazing this life is and all the positive potential it still has for you—-I do all these things myself every day.

I also am careful not to associate with negative, selfish people….i choose to spend time with positive people that are working their own inner process of constantly seeking ton improve themselves, their lives and the world.

I was locked into the same place you are now for more than 20 years, old and alone and sad and not doing anything good with my life.

But once I learned this Secret, i have been using it everyday since….and now have an absolutely amazing life of close relationships and doing this work of writing and publishing this newsletter and so many other things that help others…I am 73 myself, but i am now living the life i have always dreamed of having which gets better and better, more and more amazing every single day…

You can too!

The key to an ever greater, ever happier life is in your own hands! Yes, it’s hard at first to take control of your own mind and thoughts, but doing it is far better than staying inn the prison and drinking the poison of your own dark thoughts!

Yes, you are alone and you are old…those are facts, but your own attitude determines if you are utterly miserable ….or if you are building yourself a better life by taking charge of your thoughts!

Please remember….

Your attitude determines your altitude!


Another secret to building a life of happiness, love and joy is to FIND A WAY FOR YOU TO SERVE OTHERS and FOCUS YOUR ATTENTION ON SERVING OTHERS TO THE VERY OF YOUR ABILITY! This newsletter and teaching meditation and counseling people who are lost and hurting is my way of serving others which gives me the most pleasure…far more than fulfilling selfish desires.

You have something that you can do that serves others—-you can volunteer at a soup kitchen or at the hospital or answer calls at a crisis line…whatever you are drawn to do. Whatever it is, in whatever way you can GET BUSY SERVING OTHERS!!!

Another secret is to use the POWER OF GRATITUDE…Get a nice workbook and write down everything you can think of everyday…little things…big things that you are grateful for! Make this a new habit that you do everyday from now on! You will be amazed at how fast this one practice will change your life day by day! As you write each gratitude down, THANK GOD OUT LOUD FOR THE BLESSING! Instead of constantly COMPLAINING, which only makes you feel miserable, start constantly GIVING THANKS FOR ALL THE GOOD IN YOUR LIFE.

It is a cosmic law that the more you write down things that you are GRATEFUL for, the more things to be grateful for will be flowing into your life! I guarantee it! Right now, with your negative attitude, you probably don’t see all the blessings as your mind is focused on thinking you are sad and alone. But if you will do this GRATITUDE practice, it will soon wash away your miserable thoughts and replace them with happy and joyful ones.

Please remember that you were sent here to earth to make a difference, to be a force of Love and a vessel of Light and to transform yourself through serving others.

If you will do as I am suggesting your life will blossom and you will be happy as you become the great woman you were always meant to be!

We need you!

Even if you are 99 years old, NOW IS YOUR TIME TO SHINE!

It will take work to do, but this work is what you were born for!

When we die and come before God, we realize all these things i am telling you are true.

Most people are totally wasting their lives because they are not doing the inner work that it takes to transform themselves, are wasting their time chasing pleasures or doing anything to serve others. When they die and go through the review of their lives, they will see this truth and feel great regret for not suing their lives to make a difference as God calls all of us to do.

Let’s not be like them…

‘Everyday that we wake up above ground is a great day because I have another day to live, to love and make a difference in this world!”

You are beautiful…

You are precious…

You are worthy of having a great life…

You are needed and wanted…

And I am here for you in Love!

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