“HOW TO ATTAIN VICTORY OVER HEARTBREAKING MISERY and DESPAIR” A new poem about the power of forgiving ourselves, releasing regret and moving on
Plus a wonderful interview of STEVEN COLBERT on surviving extreme grief and adversity “How To Love The Thing I Most Wish Had Not Happened.” AND enlightening wisdom quotes by Jimmy Carter and Chinmayan
A warm welcome to all of you, whether you are a new subscriber, have stumbled upon us by accident, been referred to us by a friend or are one of our wonderful community of regular readers…
This is the WEEKDAY edition of THE DAWNING LIGHT # 1278
Our FREE version of our “Daily Journal of Transformational Writing”
JOURNEY Of The HEART Section # 701 Transformational Poetry and Love Songs by Chinmayan to encourage you to seek, find and follow your own highest purpose and pathway to true greatness from now on…
Sign up to join hundreds of folks who receive this newsletter every morning to help jump start their day with a loving and grateful attitude…
If you love this issue, it would mean a lot to me if you clicked on the little heart to let me and all of our community of wonderful readers know!
Just by reading these writings from the heart…which are my “love letters to the world”… I believe that we are bringing more desperately needed love and light into this troubled world!
All images in this issue courtesy of Pixabay
HOW TO ACHIEVE VICTORY OVER HEARTBREAKING PAIN and DESPAIR….TAKING MY STAND ON THE HIGH MOUNTAIN’S PEAK “There is no future in living in regret for All the opportunities I once had which Were lost through not being recognized While living through days of unremitting pain…” As the sun sinks in its fiery arc westward To make way for a full moon rising, And night slowly draws a curtain Across the stage of this aching day— My heart is crying out to feel the touch and Comfort of the pure love of my inner Beloved, Like a lost child crying for his devoted mother, Like a man drowning alone on the sea of sorrow— From where I sit, I can clearly see the Uncertain end of my days coming my way And I feel deep regret for all the opportunities Once within my reach that went unrecognized— For relationships where so much love was Waiting to be shared and yet was wasted As I tumbled through life in unconscious pain-- Forlornly believing that my bad was really good. From where I now sit in prayerful meditation, High on this mountain with its unlimited view, I ask myself —"how could you not see then What is so plainly revealed to be seen today?" Yet no matter how much I have failed and lost, I know I have always sought to do my best to Love, to nurture, to appreciate and take care— And that there is no future in living in regret. I must use this piercing pain to awaken to The urgency of making the most of every day I have left, to love and accept and forgive Myself so that I now become the good man I have always known I could and need to be— To take my unstoppable stand here and now On this high mountain’s peak so hard to reach To seek, to find, to know, to follow and serve The One who sent me here to live on earth and Who has always been and is with me still. August 2, 2023 Still Mountain Retreat
An Interview with Steven Colbert: “Learning To Love The Thing That I Most Wish Had Not Happened” where he talks about how to use going through the absolute worst experiences in life and turning them to good.
Transcript of this inspiring and deeply moving interview between Anderson Cooper, who is grieving his mother’s passing away. and Steven Colbert, who lost his beloved wife… Edited and versified by Chinmayan
Anderson Cooper—
You told an interviewer that you have learned to, in your words, “Love the thing that I most wish had not happened.”
You went on to say that “What punishments of God are not gifts?”
Do you really believe that?
Steven Colbert—
It’s a gift to exist…
And with existence comes suffering—there is no escape from that.
And I guess I am either a catholic or Buddhist when I say these things…
But I didn’t learn it—- that I was grateful for the thing I most wished hadn’t happened …
It was after going through so much grief and suffering that I realized that my attitude towards what I was going through had changed…
If you are grateful for your life, which I think is a positive thing to do…
then you have to be grateful for all of it…
you can’t pick and choose what you’re grateful for.
Calligraphy by Chinmayan
I have learned that our
greatest blessings come when
we are able to improve
the lives of others,
and this is especially true
when those others are
desperately poor or in need.
—Jimmy Carter
Stay Tuned for upcoming programs and trainings for our subscribers and supporters of “The Dawning Light”…including our beloved “Sunday Morning Satsang and Meditation Program” which will soon be available weekly both in person and online.
We are planning to launch our next “Meditation Training Intensive 101” course in the near future. When we set the dates and open this course for registration, we will announce the details in this newsletter first so that all of our “Dawning Light” friends will get first choice.
“When God is the center and focus of my life, everything else falls into it’s rightful place.”
I am also finding healing through forgiveness.
That's an incredible thing, to be grateful for the things that should not have happened. I have found that to be true as well.