I could relate to the first two stanzas. I feel the departure and the difficulty even though there's no despair there is the lingering before having to step away from an amazing experience. The first two stanzas capture this. I wonder what happened since as the poem is from 1986. Did that vision materialise?

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Yes, it did in unimaginably wonderful ways. Consciously choosing to move out in pursuit of my destiny set off a cascade of dramatic changes and blessings which continue to blossom and expand throughout my life ever since.

The lesson for me always is —-that when its time to make great and positive changes, which are usually as scary as jumping out of an airplane, that I have enough faith in myself and the divine, and gather my courage to make the jump anyway because I feel the calling to do so…and these jumps have always led to a greater life and paradigm which is far better than anything I could have imagined…or planned.

I have learned that “playing it safe” and “staying within my comfort zone” and listening to friends or family who tell me I am crazy and “wake up and be real” is a formula for stagnation when the internal calling for change is clear and confirmed.

I believe that life is a precious adventure of constant growth and change…and I have promised myself that when it gets to be my last day on earth, that I will not suffer from regrets over not doing what I was called to do.

My teachers often said that if your dreams and goals and aspirations for your life do not scare you, then they are not big enough and that this precious life is a limited time opportunity to be used to the fullest and not wasted…

This doesn’t mean jumping blindly or carelessly or with knee jerk stupidity.

I pray through to be sure of the calling and I take grounded, practical steps to carefully prepare for it…and then when I launch, I am monitoring the process very mindfully and consciously, paying attention to every nuance and detail…like a sailor taking his boat through a hurricane with all hatches battened, everything stowed and applying all my experience, knowledge and skill to make it through to the beautiful new world on the other side….

I believe every one of us was sent here to do great things which benefit ourselves, our beloveds and the world…and that that call is on our hearts as we live our daily lives….and one of the tragedies for humanity is that most of us are unaware of the calling or ignore it as a pointless dream or give up on fulfilling it…

That is why my being absolutely committed and determined is so important. Otherwise we will be stopped or side tracked by the obstacles, challenges and problems which will inevitably arise as we seek to fulfill our purpose and the goals and steps that must be accomplished along the way.

Nothing great was ever accomplished without having to overcome tremendous obstacles and difficulties that arose in the process. It is dealing with the obstacles and turning them into stepping stones on the path to fulfillment that transforms us into the great men and women we are meant and called to be.

I have seen over and over again that victory comes to those who refuse to quit and who believe in their dream even when no one else does.

For myself though, answering the inner calling is my passion and greatest joy…and I will be living my life as the grand adventure and precious opportunity it really is until my very last breath for this is the source of my great Love and joy.

“Perseverance furthers…” —Lao Tzu

“Life is either a bold adventure…or nothing!” — Helen Keller

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” —Eleanor Roosevelt

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Thank you. Love you teachers’ take. If dreams don’t scare you…

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