thank you for the words that touch me, especially the one that says "It's true that my life has been a battle between darkness and light.

A battle between darkness and light," Yes it "s allowed me to be who I am and learn to love myself.

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Yes loving ourselves, having a growing love relationship with ourselves is absolutely essential…and i have several posts about this.

I suffered terribly from NO self esteem until my teachers and meditation helped me begin to appreciate, respect, care for and love myself! It is the foundation for everything else, as you so deftly said in your post that I commented on.

One of the greatest tools for growing that self love relationship is a power affirmation that i have used for 30 years and taught to hundreds of people who also got great results…

Here it is…

“I AM now choosing to Love and accept myself exactly as I AM!”

I sing this to myself, chant it while driving or walking and while gazing at myself in the mirror!

Really loving ourselves is a life long practice that gets better the more we do it! It has nothing to do with arrogance or vanity, but real pure Love that heals our hearts and makes our own greatness to come out so that others can really Love us!

You are a jewel that needs to be polished by your own Love so that you can shine upon this world that needs all of our lights!

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Thank you for the two sweet comments and for restacking my post to Notes!!

I really appreciated meeting you today at Tom and Michael’s Campfire masterclass! Feel free to DM me anytime!

It is a beautiful thing to meet new friends of the heart and have sincere sharings of the soul!

I do have some feedback to offer about your writing when it’s the right time….

Meanwhile, onwards and upwards!

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