“ 1. I am always doing my best to be my best.”

Right out of the gate, I have to be honest and true to myself. Am I doing my best? Not always.,

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Yes, I hear you!

The purpose of affirmations is to be tools for consciously bringing about a shift, change or transformation that you want to have happen within you and your life. They are for helping us become who we want to be, for getting to where we recognize we need and want to be.

We all struggle with where we are, especially when we realize we can be and want to be so much more than the way we are now. In my healing practice with clients, i have seen that 99.9% of us have self esteem issues from not loving, appreciating or respecting ourselves.This is one of the reasons it is very difficult to change ourselves just by thinking about it, however much we may want to or recognize the need for change.

That is why we need tools and practices that actually produce the results we long for.

Fortunately, affirmations work because they reprogram our consciousness, replacing our negative thoughts and beliefs which cause so much suffering, with positive ones.

But, like a hammer or saw or any other tools, affirmations require some skill and some time to master them. We have to put in the work of repeating the affirmations even though we can’t honestly say they are true for us yet…and develop a love for the affirmation along with a total intention to use them to create the beautiful changes we want…just like a hammer and saw can’t build anything by themselves but need a skilled carpenter to use them.

One of the secrets which dramatically increases the power of an affirmation is to consciously choose to love it, to empower it as your very own, to see the affirmation as an expression of your love, care and belief in yourself and as an investment in your future.

The beautiful thing is that…even if you have no faith in it, or love or belief in affirmations…if you just follow the instructions and repeat it over at least three weeks, you will notice a positive shift. That is how powerful a well crafted affirmation can be. Their effect is much more profound if used as I have been recommending…

This isn’t theory for me, as I have been studying, crafting, using and teaching affirmations for over 40 years. Many of the higher, positive qualities about myself and my life were achieved through the determined and conscious use of affirmations, especially when I was desperate for those personal changes. I have also seen outstanding results in my student’s lives, including overcoming addictions, anger and all kinds of bad habits as well as attracting good relationships and abundance.

Here is the most powerful affirmation of all the hundreds I have taught and seen used with amazing results by my students…


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